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Brunton Transit International Waterproof Compasses - 5008, 5010 & 5012

The Brunton Pocket Transit was first patented in 1894 by David Brunton (a geologist) and continues to be an industry leading compass and measuring tool used by geologists, foresters, surveyors and archaeologists. We supply the 3 main compasses that Brunton manufacture: The Geo Pocket Transit, The Com-Pro, and the newest addition to the range (and potentially revolutionary) Axis Transit.

Let's start with the two traditional compasses.

Brunton 5010 Geo Pocket Transit International Waterproof Compass (Azimuth 0-360)

BRUN5010The Geo Pocket Transit Compass, incorporates feedback from professionals to make this the ultimate compass. The solid aluminum, waterproof Geo Transit contains a fast, magnetic north-seeking, rare-earth magnet, balanced on a sapphire jewel bearing for quick measurements. The most noticeable feature is the hinge inclinometer, accurate to +/- 2°. This feature allows simultaneous dip and dip direction measurements, reducing the number of measurements required in the field. An innovative needle design can be locked or unlocked.

Brunton 5008 Com-Pro International Pocket Transit Compass (Azimuth 0-360)
Brunton Com-Pro International Pocket Transit Compass, 0-360 degrees-1

With a body made of composite materials, the Com-Pro is a lighter, more affordable alternative to 5010. Like the 5010, it incorporates a cast NdFeB rare-earth magnet, precisely balanced on a sapphire bearing - resulting in a powerful magnet, which quickly seeks magnetic north and permits fast readings.


Identical Features between the 5008 and the 5010:

  • Single NdFeB magnet resists demagnetization better than any other type of magnet
  • Vertical angle measurements to +/- 90° or 100% grade
  • Percent grade scale with increments of 5%
  • Induction dampened needle for quick, accurate readings
  • Sapphire jewel bearing allows for smooth needle movement
  • Magnetic declination adjustment allows for east or west declination settings to +/- 180°
  • Precision aligned mirror with convenient see-through sighting capability
  • Short and long sights for increased accuracy when sighting azimuth or vertical angles
  • O-rings make it waterproof for increased reliability
  • Leather case included

Unique 5010 Features:
  • Azimuth accuracy +/- 1/2° with 1° graduations
  • Vertical angle accuracy +/- 1/2° with 1° graduations and 10 minute vernier
  • Aluminum billet body assembly makes the GEO nearly indestructible
  • Adjustable needle locking mechanism
  • Hinge clinometer with 1° increments for 1/2° readable dip measurements
  • Two long-level bubbles on the outside of the aluminum housing for no guess leveling from the sides or the bottom
  • Overall dimensions: 96x71x33mm
  • Weight: 362g

Unique 5008 Features:
  • Composite body material has less thermal retention
  • Overall dimensions: 81x71x33mm
  • Weight: 161g

Now for the newest Brunton compass on the market.

Brunton 5012 Axis Pocket Transit Compass (Azimuth 0-360)
BRUN5012 Axis Transit Compass

The Axis was invented by geologists for geologists and features a significant new twist on the pocket transit - The main hinge rotates 360 degrees, making the Axis the only transit that can measure strike and dip, and trend and plunge, simultaneously - on any surface. that is designed especially for easier geological measurements with every angle and every direction.

5012 Features:

  • Innovative dual-axis hollow hinge allows for intuitive, efficient and accurate measurements of planes, lines, bearings and vertical angles.
  • Only one measurement configuration is needed for strike & dip, trend & plunge, bearing & vertical angle, increasing efficiency and accuracy. Compass North is parallel to the main hinge axis, making the Axis the only transit able to measure strike and dip concurrently, through contact or sighting methods,
  • Novel lid protractor and rotation around minor axis enable accurate, simultaneous measurement of trend & plunge and any surface, including overhangs.
  • Inclinometer Accuracy: ± ½ with 1° graduations
  • Dip Angle Accuracy: ± ½ with 2° graduations
  • Dimensions (closed): 100mmx 71mm x 30mm
  • Weight: 354g

This compass gets pre-balanced to the different zones around the world. To make it easy, here's a link to the Zones List. Generally we stock at all times the Axis balanced for Australia (095), but can easily supply any zone compass you need.

We also have the instruction manual available for download here.


Here's the Comparison Chart of the Brunton Transit Compasses:

Brunton Transit International Compass Table

Code Available sizes Unit Ctn Qty Stock status Choose size
BRUN50080 Brunton Com-Pro International Pocket Transit Compass, 0-360 degrees EACH 1 In stock Add To Quote
BRUN50100 Brunton Geo Pocket Transit International Waterproof Compass, 0-360 degrees EACH 1 In stock Add To Quote
BRUN5012-0950 Brunton 5012 Axis Pocket Transit Compass, 0-360 degrees EACH 1 In stock Add To Quote
Code Available sizes
BRUN5008 Brunton Com-Pro International Pocket Transit Compass, 0-360 degrees
Unit: Each QTY: 1 In stock
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BRUN5010 Brunton Geo Pocket Transit International Waterproof Compass, 0-360 degrees
Unit: Each QTY: 1 In stock
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BRUN5012-095 Brunton 5012 Axis Pocket Transit Compass, 0-360 degrees
Unit: Each QTY: 1 In stock
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