Spencer Dormer

Mining companies everywhere are seeking to put greater emphasis on Recycle, Reuse, Reduce.
One question we are often asked, particularly from teams reusing Plastic Core Trays over and over again during production drilling, eventually they show wear and tear, is how do we recycle them?
So Dynamics has partnered with a company that specializes in recycling industrial plastic and has successfully been diverting plastics from landfill and enabling the return of recycled plastics into manufacturing.
Since inception, they've provided this service to industry, commerce, local governments and the general public within the greater Perth area and Western Australia.
So if you have old core trays that are made from PP Polypropylene, simply get them delivered directly to:
Dynamics G-Ex
50 Mulgul Road, Malaga, WA 6090
Monday to Friday
7:00am to 4:00pm
The recycling service is provided free of charge.
Before shipping the goods, ensure you get in touch with the Customer Happiness Team so we can give the Team a heads up what to expect, and when to expect it.
In partnership with them, Dynamics is striving to help supply all recycled material back into local and interstate manufacturing as part of the circular economy.
Finally, we are aware that a lot of sites are having trucks leave site mostly empty back to Perth. This service helps save on what otherwise would be empty backloads and wasted fuel. Win win.
We hope this helps you in your circular economy journey!