Spencer Dormer

Mine rehabilitation...
..if we are honest, this isn't the most popular part of the mining process.
We'd all much rather be drilling holes than filling them back in.
But it has to be done and done responsibly!
It's like enjoying the party all night, and then having to clean up the debris in the morning!
So that being said, how can it be easier?
Together with a few miners, we've been exploring an easier way to cut the PVC collars and get rid of them faster.
Traditionally this has been done with some manual method, like the Manual Collar Cutters.
But there has to be an easier way than this!
So over the last 18 months, we've been exploring a few options.
Nothing is available off the shelf, so adaptions were needed in our workshop by the R&D team.
This came in the form of a Honda Brushcutter, Strimmer, Whipper Snipper: Call it what you like.
This unit is a 4-Stroke Petrol machine - view it here.
But we knew we could still make it better and safer.
So let's introduce the Milwaukee Battery Powered PVC Collar Cutter!
Petrol machines are ideally avoided on mine and exploration sites if they reasonably can be, so this wins that battle too.
Check it in action!
Have any more questions about PVC collar cutters or rehabbing drill holes?
Leave them for us in the comments and we will answer them as soon as possible!