Spencer Dormer

One of the most significant changes that the mining industry experiences over time will always be led by the global demand for particular metals and minerals. As these shift, so does the industry.
Australia is well-known for being a wealth of natural resources, and this has always included a strong focus on Gold, Copper, Coal and Iron Ore. This is why a lot of these resources are found and mined domestically.
These mineral commodities are still very prominent and in high demand today in the mining industry. However, with the rise of new technology such as smart devices and battery power sources, the focus is beginning to shift towards Cobalt and Lithium to meet the growing global need.
What does the future hold?
This all depends on market trends and worldwide preferences.
Given that smart devices and digital technology are still on the exponential rise with no foreseeable halt any time soon, it is predicted that commodities such as Aluminium, Cobalt, Copper and Lithium will continue to increase alongside the products that require them.
How does this impact the profitability and success of the industry?
Shifts in commodity demand can have a significant impact on a mine and a mining company as a whole. If a resource isn’t needed for a certain product any longer, that commodity can suffer from a substantial loss or completely drop in value, sometimes to the point of shutting the whole mine down when it reaches the point of becoming unviable.
On the other side of the spectrum, as is the case with Copper right now, they can’t mine it fast enough because demand is high and they are getting good money for it.
Geologists must pay close attention to how these shifts evolve over time and how they can impact both the present and future work of their active sites.
How does international demand for mineral commodities affect us?
Global pressures always have a heavy influence on our mining industry, especially given that Australia is rich in raw resources. For example, India and China use a lot of Coal and Iron Ore for their industrial needs. If their demand drops, so does the price, and vice versa.
Recently, the Chinese Government announced that they were working on shifting the focus of China as a whole over the next decade, away from the raw industry and moving towards a more greener focus for the health of the country and their economy. If they do this, Australia will feel the impact, especially because China is such a major customer when it comes to Coal and Iron Ore.
What if you could see into the Future?
Shifting global demand for mineral resources may have a major impact on Australian mines, but it's not the only trend that will transform geology and the mining industry.
As part of Dynamics G-Ex’s goal to pioneer innovation and advancement in the Mining and Geology field, our team have prepared an eBook titled: The Future Of Geology.
Download it here to read more about technological advancements and expected marketing trends in mining and how they’re making an impact both today and in years to come.