Spencer Dormer

We are seriously happy that Australia is talking about restrictions easing, keep climbing that mountain!
Some Geologist's we talk to are doing it really, really tough. Others of you are going gang busters. So what is making the difference between success and failure and what can you learn from it Post COVID-19?
Success Stories from History
I wanted to share an article from Robert Glazer.
During the bombing of London in World War II, the Germans assumed if they bombed London every day for years, eventually the British people would break and surrender.
Instead, the opposite occurred. As days passed and each morning the vast majority of citizens woke up alive, the bombing became a part of life and no longer caused the same degree of fear. The British became more resilient as they became normalized to the crisis. In all likelihood, we will emulate their example as time passes.
The biggest difference I’ve seen between those who are staying even-keeled during this crisis and those really struggling is a willingness to accept the new normal and a determination to focus on what they can control at this point. By contrast, those who are holding on to the past and acting from a place of fear and scarcity are struggling the most. Their limited energy is focused inward and backwards, and not on looking outward toward what others need both now and in the future.
What can you control as a Geologist?
Due to this pandemic, the Australian Government will have a mountain of debt to pay down. One of the biggest influences of them having the ability to pay this debt is the continued success of the mining industry.
Mining must go on.
What's stopping right now is Exploration Companies that don't have funding and the scaling back of mining operations that have HQ's in countries that are heavily affected.
If you are a Geo in this situation a couple of ideas to future proof yourself in the long run could be:
Seek out a job at a mine site if job security is high on your priority list, opposed to an Exploration company.
Make sure the mine owner is a global corporation capable of weathering, and ramping up production during these times when Gold, in particular, is at ripper prices.
Typically we have found that Australian Owned miners are doing well, so get a job with these teams.

Thinking Outside The Box
You’ve told us many stories in our recent well-being catch ups in response to the COVID-19 challenge. Not surprisingly, our customers are all describing similar themes.
‘We are drilling less due to travel restrictions. So we are using the time to improve our systems. Especially in how we give our geologists more flexible access to the core and chip photographs they need for their work’.
'Our rosters are blowing out and we are spending 3 weeks on, 3 weeks off. So I am more reliant on systems. Especially data I can access from home!'

One of the tools that is proving a life saver for our customers is the Imago core photo management platform. We’ve worked with Imago to design new camera frames and develop optical character recognition on the Series 4 Core Trays. This has resulted in higher quality, more consistent images that Geologists are easily accessing when working from home.
"Imago has made our geology process more efficient continuously informing and validating their work using the Core Tray and Chip images. Our geologists are spending less time on site but have uninterrupted access to the Imago image library from any location, continuously viewing images as they work.
It’s great for Dynamics to hear how our partnership with Imago is helping our customers maintain their geological productivity in the new environment.
If you aren’t using Imago we can migrate your library of images to the Imago Cloud library and help you take a significant step forwards. It's such a quick and easy implementation.
Click Here for more on the Imago System.
Working in Isolation Made Easy.
We used to cough to cover a fart, now we are farting to cover a cough. Those health care hero's working on the front line have told us to keep up the humor in these serious times; it's what keeps us all going.
But seriously, it does mean social distancing and self isolation is a by-product of improving the situation.
After hearing so many having to work 3 weeks on, 3 weeks off we wanted to work out a way you didn't get bored at home, especially the remote communities in Mt Isa & Kalgoorlie.
Now you are able to keep your teams working, by using these air-conditioned auto core cutting facilities in Mt Isa and Kalgoorlie regions. Cut in comfort and self-isolation whilst getting the core cutting backlog out of the way! Send your core from site into town or in Kalgoorlie these containers are available to be taken out to site for hire or purchase. Out of the box thinking to discover this 'in the box' solution. 😀
We trust this helps plant a seed in your mind. How can we change our mindset's to thrive in this time, and come out more resilient than ever?
This article isn't written once and forgotten, so if you've got a story to share to help the Geologist community, than please share so we can add it in.